Difficult Questions About the Supernatural and Value Differences (in the Scenario That Eternal Life and Apōleia Are Real)

Are amoral ”not that bad” masculine men in the biggest risk of apōleia (the ceasing of existence)? Are good people protected separately and do amoral men compete over amoral women, who prefer moral men on some level?

People born moral and people born amoral should be on the same level in the assessment of the good… At least if it can be fixed later? Do your actions determine your fate?

Have some perished eternally in wars royal people (the last sure survivors?) have taken part in?

The phony world with its natural science and economics lies, the supernatural being kept as a secret, the amoral-moral problem not being talked about…

Do bad people get points for taking part in wars? Do the proactive original evil reward those who resemble them?

Has apōleia happened to good people? Are there heritage clubs about that?

{Eternal life and mindfulness would be an ”eternity situation”? ”Feeling good, having a good environment & good company”?}

{What about ”fixing”, by supernatural means, an evil person who has committed very severe acts? (I see the grade of severity of ending a good person’s existence as infinite, for example.) This kind of change would be so big that you could view it as a creation of a new person. A thought experiment: which would be prettier, turning an evil person into a rational moral person or killing an evil person and creating a — factually, not metaphorically — new rational moral person?}


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