Coronavirus and Conspiracy Theories

The conspiracy theories on coronavirus include the idea of ineffective vaccines. Why wouldn’t the experts want to prevent epidemic diseases as well as possible? It’s also about their own safety? Very few of them probably isolate themselves totally from ordinary people and human masses.

We are definitely lied about lots of things though. (See my posts on economics, free will and time.) We are at the mercy of those in power in this respect, and we can’t know when to trust them. ”A truth, a lie or a half-truth?”

The only explanations for ineffective vaccines would in my view be an exclusive more effective vaccine for the elite and their cronies or protection they’d get by supernatural means. The latter would of course be a very strange story, but in it they — the elite of the elite? — would maybe take the virus out of their system with magical abilities but wouldn’t do the same to the wrinkles on their face because they don’t matter in ”tantric sex”?

A very large number of people, well-off people too, don’t isolate themselves from the human masses in city environments. (In the conspiracy theory they would be surrounded by ineffectively vaccinated people or they would be ineffectively vaccinated.) Super many people would have to be in on the conspiracy, or super many people would have to be expendable to the elite. Both are probably possible. The size of the political right wing and the economics lies alone is quite big already? (Could a person living in a hierarchy also settle for his position and for an ineffective vaccine?) And everyone is not needed as a worker to provide the basic requirements of life for the elite?

Nice things such as literacy and social security have also been provided for ordinary people though, and more so in some countries than others. There are signs of a benevolent attitude towards us too. Would that lead to a pretty decent vaccine for the common people? And the same people probably wouldn’t create viruses at least?

Lots of notable people have died of coronavirus. The conspiracy theory explanation would require that some of them would just choose to exit that way and so uphold the fake story. They probably wouldn’t be forced to do that? Or could the good side achieve precisely that much?

In my opinion, the lies I have proven are a lot already though. I don’t know if there is something about the coronavirus in addition to them. Why that much unfairness towards ordinary people then? Why not more? Is it about conscience? Or does something else set limits on the behavior of those in power? Should you put evil rulers between you and a good God in the rough model of this? (And, in addition, Satan, amoral gods, Buddha, different countries, and player turns for each of them in the bigger model?) Is it about playing formulas that take everything into account and ”karma optimums”?

Has the history of the Earth been a fight over the posture these places are put in, the type of people they produce and the way people live in them? Some have wanted to demolish the Earth empty and some have built things? What would be the Earth built to completion from the perspective of the good? Would there remain fortresses of the evil that couldn’t be removed with an acceptable cost?


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