Spamming Help Needed II

I suspect that my email connections to other countries are somehow blocked: I spam people in Finland and the viewer counter goes up — I spam abroad and I get zero hits. It wasn’t like this before. For a while the viewer counter for my posts on the English-language blog also showed strange numbers... It would look like someone had opened a post an insane amount of times. The number seven seemed to keep repeating also. This doesn’t happen anymore, and the counter stays at zero. Interestingly, I do receive confirmation emails from other countries too. With Facebook Messenger I get zero hits from abroad and very rarely any from Finland either.

I am unable to claim warranty for my headphones directly with Aiwa via email, for example.

(Sep 7, 2023: I reached Aiwa. They answered my second email after seven workdays. I got no reply for the message I sent last May. A new email spam wave abroad didn’t bring the blog any visitors, however.) {The Aiwa brand is owned by Sony’s contract manufacturer Towada. Sony appeared to me in my visions as somehow Jewish…}


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